Laura Wiley Theater & Vittum Theater 2001-2002
Leaves Growing Trees

“The three plays that make up Leaves Growing Trees are about how sometimes it’s natural for things to happen in a way that seems unnatural. Like children raising their parents, people having to work really hard to achieve a fate that’s destined, or for the leaves to grow the tree.” – Elizabeth Cobacho, APTP ensemble member
Cleaning House. Reynaldo returns to his family after the latest in a string of prison sentences to find his mother eager to welcome him home but his younger brother Victor unwilling to even speak to him. A family drama about negotiating the balance between unconditional love and earned love.
A Little Thing. A nagging feeling that she’s different than everyone else in her family propels Maria on a journey to discover the little thing that makes her who she is. An epic mystery about where identity originates. The first APTP piece to be choreographed and scored from beginning to end, A Little Thing represents a significant stage in the evolution of the company’s aesthetic.
The Love Is Strong. It’s 1964 in Juarez, Mexico and fate is about to introduce Ernesto Guzman — lead singer of pop sensation Los Supremos — to his true love. A romantic comedy about the triumph of family, with a live band playing classic rock and r&b songs.